Sunday, October 26, 2014

Analyzing a movie/character!

Today I will write specifically about one character and his stereotype! 

What is Nazism? Who practice? Who is the target? Why people do this? Have many questions about this theme and many discussion since World War II. Nazism is a kind of Racism, it was a reason to many people died in the 40’s and left scars in society even today. In the movie “Higher Learning” by John Singleton shows many kind of discrimination and one of this is Nazism represented by a character called Remy.
Remy is a freshman in the Columbus University and all is new for him. He wants to make a fiends, go to parties and have fun. But one day before his first class, his another mates invited a group to drink and listen music, and Remy can’t sleep. So, he called the cops to stop the party. This is the first misunderstanding between Remy and the “Black Guys”.  After that Remy went to another room far from their dorms, but this is not enough to separate Remy and the “Black Guys”. Remy has during the movie another misunderstood with his “friends”, what only feed his hate.
Finally Remy finds a quiet place to read his book, but one guy sees Remy alone and talk with him about his friends and parties, and then Remy’s life change totally. Those guys are Nazi and talk about their goals and philosophy. So, Remy finds an opportunity to have a family and feels important for someone. And gradually he accept the guys and the Nazi. This concept was created after the World War I, and they defend a pure race, the Aryan race, who didn’t be or didn’t agree with them will be killed. They killed a lot of Jews and Black people in World War II.
Now, that concept is totally truth and Remy in his day by day sees another people from another countries, with another skim tone and with another culture, and these things let him annoyed. So, he finds Malik (a black guy) who suffers racism and Remy provokes him, and then start a dispute between Remy and Malik. This situation becomes serious and Remy threats Malik with gun, and then Malik comes back with his group and start a fight with Nazis guys. Remy feels uncomfortable with that situation and he prepares a plan to kill principally these black guys. After he killed a lot of people, including Malik’s girlfriend, Remy try to scape, but didn’t work, he see himself in a hard situation and then he commited suicide.
We can see how Racism, or Nazism can be a serious and tragic history. Remy was looking for a friends and a good life surrounded by people but he had a weak mind. Today we need to educate the next generation about the equally treatment, it doesn’t matter their religion, culture, skim tone; all people deserve respect.

Name of movie: "Higher Learning"
Year: 1995
Director: Johm Singleton
Genre: Drama

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Just one History about success in my life!

What do we do every day to win our difficult? Several times we see ourselves in a hard situation! So, how do you do to get success? People have a lot of strategies.
I will tell you guys, how my coach succeeded in motivating me and my mates.
We had 11 years old and we went to another city to play basketball for 3 days. We were very excited about the championship it was our first time away from relatives.
In the first game we can’t keep the focus in the game, so we lost. After this game all of us were saddened. In that night my coach said for us to sleep and rest for another day.
So, in the path to the second game, on the bus, my coach tell for us: nothing is lost! We need to lift our head and show for them our basketball! Listening this song, pay attention in the lyrics! (the song is a Brazilian rap music and says: they thought I was beaten, those who thought was wrong, I came back, I’m here, pay attention and listening: unlike to what you wanted, I’m fine, I am a warrior and not flinch, I am glass hard to break!

It is a slang in Brazil and says I don’t give up easily. We sing this song all the path to the game. I remember when we went to the court, our energy was renewed. I could see in the eyes of my mates, desire to win!! And thus we played and won the other 2 games, with this victories we were champions! After that I never forgot this song!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

After one Month!

One year ago I signed up to try study in U.S.A. and improve my English. I do not cared about because in the end of this year I will be graduated, so I passed in the Toefl test and I achieved the prerequisites. In the end of June I received the final result: "I was accepted in WIU". Everyone in my family, friends and girlfriend was happy for me and my future experience!
When I arrived in U.S.A. I was anxious and in the same time scared because I had left all in Brazil and I was alone! So, one month has gone and a lot of experiences I lived in this time. The cultures between U.S.A. and Brazil are clear for me now. For example in the food! We (Brazilians) love to eat in the lunch rice, beans, vegetables and meat but here (in U.S.A.) they like hamburger and pizza, it is rare when we find rice and beans. The food here always be spicy, they loooove pepper! The coffee is very different, in Brazil people drink small amounts commonly and the taste is more intense, in contrast here people drink big amount and the taste doesn't be intense.
People here are very very educated, they respect another people how we have to do. I noticed that when I saw in the street, all drivers stop in the stop sign even when don't have nobody to cross the street! I was shocked! Americans are very friendly and helpful in contrast what I thought before travel to U.S.A.
I am anxious to learn more about English language and culture!