Sunday, October 5, 2014

After one Month!

One year ago I signed up to try study in U.S.A. and improve my English. I do not cared about because in the end of this year I will be graduated, so I passed in the Toefl test and I achieved the prerequisites. In the end of June I received the final result: "I was accepted in WIU". Everyone in my family, friends and girlfriend was happy for me and my future experience!
When I arrived in U.S.A. I was anxious and in the same time scared because I had left all in Brazil and I was alone! So, one month has gone and a lot of experiences I lived in this time. The cultures between U.S.A. and Brazil are clear for me now. For example in the food! We (Brazilians) love to eat in the lunch rice, beans, vegetables and meat but here (in U.S.A.) they like hamburger and pizza, it is rare when we find rice and beans. The food here always be spicy, they loooove pepper! The coffee is very different, in Brazil people drink small amounts commonly and the taste is more intense, in contrast here people drink big amount and the taste doesn't be intense.
People here are very very educated, they respect another people how we have to do. I noticed that when I saw in the street, all drivers stop in the stop sign even when don't have nobody to cross the street! I was shocked! Americans are very friendly and helpful in contrast what I thought before travel to U.S.A.
I am anxious to learn more about English language and culture!

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