Sunday, November 9, 2014

Brief history of an important person in the 20 century.

According to Time Magazine, Ernesto "Che" Guevara is in the list of 100 most important people in the 20 century, So, I will talk briefly about his life. 
Ernesto Guevara de la Serna commonly known as “Che Guevara” was born in June 14, 1928, in Rosario about 185 miles from Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina. He was the oldest son from Ernesto Guevara y Lynch (his father) and Celia de la Serna y Llosa (his mother); they had a bourgeois standard of life. Since “Che” was a child he didn't like go to school and follow the traditional classes, so he had some teachings inside his home. 
After the primary school, "Che" started his studies in a medicine college where had interested in leprosy. So, Ernesto Guevara and his friend Alberto Granados beginning a travel around the South America to help the sick. During their adventure, "Che" begins to discovery the poverty which affects the world, consequent of the power and destruction of capitalism. His adventure ended in Miami where he developed a Anti-Americanism thinking.  So, Ernesto shows the first signs of a communist thinking which will get to him a revolutionary shape.
In 1953 "Che" Guevara went to Argentina and finished his studies in medicine. But, after his travel he decided to left his family again and try to do some important thing to the poverty. So, he went to another countries in South America to help the sick. When he arrives in Guatemala he saw Jacobo Arbenz Guzman be elected in a democratic election. After that he knows Hilda, that in the future will be his first wife, who introduces "Che" to the Arbenz group and after he joined to them. It is in this moment which Ernesto "Che" Guevara knows two exiles Cuban brothers, Raul and Fidel Castro. 
In this period "Che" and Fidel start to think one way to rid Cuba to the American control. So, they form a group of revolutionary men with the purpose to install a new government for the Cuba population. 
In this moment "Che" develop his characteristics of guerrilla, leadership and strategist. And after many battles they win and take control of the country. So, Ernesto is named Ambassador, President of National Bank and Minister of Industry. We can see how "Che" was trusted in the sight of Fidel Castro. So, Ernesto decides left Cuba, where he already achieve his goals, and he goes to Bolivia with the intend to end the imperialism in the South America. But, in October 8, 1967 finally Ernesto "Che" Guevara was arrested and killed for the Bolivian soldiers with the help for the CIA.
So, today "Che" Guevara is the most important symbol of revolutionary and freedom.
And we can find this image in several brand of clothes, social media and dawned on walls of buildings.


"Episodes of Revolucionary" by Ernesto Guevara de la Serna 
"Political Leaders of Latin America" by Richard Bourne
"Comandante Che" by Paul J. Dosal

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